miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

11800 - Determine the Shape - Solution UVA

#define db(a) cout << #a << " = " << a << endl;
#define db2(a, b) cout << #a << " = " << a << " -- "<< #b << " = " << b << endl;
#define foreach(it, l) for(typeof(l.begin()) it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++)
using namespace std;
typedef pair<long long, long long> punto;
#define x(p) p.first
#define y(p) p.second

long long producto_cruz(punto a, punto b){
 return x(a) * y(b) - y(a) * x(b);
long long producto_punto(punto a, punto b){
 return x(a) * x(b) + y(a) * y(b);
long long norma(punto a){
 return (x(a) * x(a) + y(a) * y(a));
int main(){
 int t = 0;
 int r1, r2, r3, r4;
 long long tama, tamb, tamc, tamd;
 bool exito;
 punto a, b, c, d;
 punto v1, v2, v3, v4;
 cin >> t;
 for(int i = 0; i < t; i++){
  scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d%I64d", &x(a), &y(a), &x(b), &y(b), &x(c), &y(c), &x(d), &y(d));
  int buscar[] = {1, 2, 3};
  vector<punto> puntos;
   x(v1) = x(puntos[buscar[0]]) - x(a);
   y(v1) = y(puntos[buscar[0]]) - y(a);
   x(v2) = x(puntos[buscar[1]]) - x(puntos[buscar[0]]);
   y(v2) = y(puntos[buscar[1]]) - y(puntos[buscar[0]]);
   x(v3) = x(puntos[buscar[2]]) - x(puntos[buscar[1]]);
   y(v3) = y(puntos[buscar[2]]) - y(puntos[buscar[1]]);
   x(v4) = x(a) - x(puntos[buscar[2]]);
   y(v4) = y(a) - y(puntos[buscar[2]]);
   r1 = producto_cruz(v1, v2);
   r2 = producto_cruz(v2, v3);
   r3 = producto_cruz(v3, v4);
   r4 = producto_cruz(v4, v1);
   if((r1 > 0 && r2 > 0 && r3 > 0 && r4 > 0)||(r1 < 0 && r2 < 0 && r3 < 0 && r4 < 0))
    exito = true;
   else exito = false;
  }while(!exito && next_permutation(buscar, buscar + 3));
  tama = norma(v1);
  tamb = norma(v2);
  tamc = norma(v3);
  tamd = norma(v4);
  if(producto_punto(v1, v2) == 0 && producto_punto(v2, v3) == 0
   && producto_punto(v3, v4) == 0 && producto_punto(v4, v1) == 0){
   if(tama == tamb && tamb == tamc && tamc == tamd)
    printf("Case %d: Square\n", i + 1);
    printf("Case %d: Rectangle\n", i + 1);
   if(tama == tamb && tamb == tamc && tamc == tamd)
    printf("Case %d: Rhombus\n", i + 1);
     if(tama == tamc && tamb == tamd)
    printf("Case %d: Parallelogram\n", i + 1);
     if(producto_cruz(v1, v3) == 0 || producto_cruz(v2, v4) == 0) 
      printf("Case %d: Trapezium\n", i + 1);
      printf("Case %d: Ordinary Quadrilateral\n", i + 1);
 return 0;

this problem has a tricky situation, when you need to find the correct sequence of points so that we can find the side of the poligon instead of diagonals to cope with this, 4 vectors are built in each step of a next_permutation because we need to try with every posibility because the points can be given in non order and we do this with a fixed point then we try with the other 3 in next_permutation then inside each next_permutation we built the 4 vectors assuming that one comes after another forming a cycle then to know if we have a correct configuration (a cycle with the sides not diagonals) we have to notice that if we make cross product with 2 consecutives vectors it can be negative or positive, no matters which was, what matter is that all of this products should be either positive or negative , this means that the vectors that we have formed are in the sides of the poligon not forming diagonals. (you can try this with an arbitrary poligon and the you are to realize that if we make a vector with the sides not with the diagonals as a cycle all the consecutives cross products will be the same sign) , if we have made this with vectors which some of them was forming a diagonal the sign will be different than the rest, well once we have the sides of the poligon we just find the size of these vectors and apply some properties of vector to determine which shape they are forming, that's all hope this help you.

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