#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <ctime> /*#define db(a) cout << #a << " = " << a << endl #define db2(a, b) cout << #a << " = " << a << " "<< #b << " = " << b << endl #define foreach(it, l) for(typeof(l.begin()) it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++)*/ using namespace std; bool digits[10]; int last; bool valid(int numerador, int denominador) { if (numerador > 99999) return false; memset(digits, true, sizeof digits); if (numerador / 10000 == 0) digits[0] = false; while (numerador > 0) { last = numerador % 10; if (digits[last]) digits[last] = false; else return false; numerador /= 10; } if (denominador / 10000 == 0) if (digits[0]) digits[0] = false; else return false; while (denominador > 0) { last = denominador % 10; if (digits[last]) digits[last] = false; else return false; denominador /= 10; } return true; } int main() { int N, num; bool ok; //clock_t now = clock(); scanf("%d", &N); if (N != 0) { while (true) { ok = false; for (int f = 0; f < 10; f++) { num = f; for (int g = 0; g < 10; g++) { if (g == f) continue; num = num * 10 + g; for (int h = 0; h < 10; h++) { if (h == g || h == f) continue; num = num * 10 + h; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == h || i == g || i == f) continue; num = num * 10 + i; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (j == i || j == h || j == g || j == f) continue; num = num * 10 + j; //db(num); int numerator = num * N; if (valid(numerator, num)) { ok = true; //db(numerator % num); if (numerator / 10000 == 0) { if (num / 10000 == 0) { //db2(num, num / 10000); printf("0%d / 0%d = %d\n", numerator, num, N); } else printf("0%d / %d = %d\n", numerator, num, N); } else { if (num / 10000 == 0) { //db2(num,num / 10000); printf("%d / 0%d = %d\n", numerator, num, N); } else printf("%d / %d = %d\n", numerator, num, N); } } num -= j; num /= 10; } num -= i; num /= 10; } num -= h; num /= 10; } num -= g; num /= 10; } } int temp = N; scanf("%d", &N); if (!ok) if(N != 0) printf("There are no solutions for %d.\n\n", temp); else printf("There are no solutions for %d.\n", temp); else printf("\n"); if(N == 0) break; } } //printf("el tiempo para todo fue: %.3fs", (clock() - now) * 1.0 / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC) ); return 0; }
martes, 25 de octubre de 2011
725 - Division, uva
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The way to get the number of digits in a number is (int)log10(n)+1. You don't have to divide by 10000 and test to see if it's zero.
ResponderEliminardo you have an msn,ICQ,or Yahoo messenger account I would like to add you and talk UVa and programming? I speak,read,write spanish too.
yeah sure!, and sorry for the late response, I don't still accustomed to use blogger xD!, thanks anyway I'll add you,
EliminarI use gmail account and my name is Dennis, my gmail "dennisbot at ...!
Oscar, me gustaria añadirte al msn,ICQ,Yahoo messenger. Yo también estoy resolviendo problemas en el UVa. Me mensaje (encima) es sobre to codigo.
ResponderEliminarif(numerador / 10000 == 0) ...
lo que buscas es ...
if((int)log10(numerador)+1 > NUMERO_DE_DÍGITOS)...
si esta bien, no hay problema! ya te respondí en el mensaje de arriba.
Eliminarmsn: bmotome@aol.com